National Lightning Protection Corp
13550 Smith Rd
Suite 150
Aurora, CO 80011
United States (US)
Robert Rapp
Send a message to Robert Rapp

National Lightning Protection has been providing lightning protection, grounding, and surge protection equipment for commercial, industrial, government and military applications for the past 25 years. We have the experience, knowledge, and dedication to complete your project - and we care about doing the job right. At NLP we strive to provide the design professional, purchaser, and end user with the highest quality product and customer service. Every project is unique and our seasoned, professional staff of designers, estimators, and installers are prepared to help meet your particular needs. In addition to a standard line of products we provide cutting edge customized system designs, manufacturing, and installation. If we don't have it there is a good chance we can make it for you. Feel free to contact us with your questions. We know you will be pleased by our exceptional service, products, and staff.

National Lightning Protection Corp

Founded: 1984 History:  Robert Rapp began manufacturing operations in Golden, Colorado as a lightning protection installation contractor.  In 1980, the company relocated to Lafayette, Colorado and began to manufacture lightning protection system components.  Mr. Rapp took the company from a regional lightning protection manufacturer to a national and international manufacturer of lightning protection and grounding equipment. Mission Statement/Objective: National Lightning Protection’s goal has and will always be to provide only the highest quality lightning protection system components available anywhere.  Our commitment to quality is also reflected in our engineering and customer service operations where no short cuts are taken and long term customer...

Costs of Lightning Strike Claims Rise Dramatically

They say that lightning never strikes in the same place twice, but for insurers, it strikes over 250,000 times per year, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. In fact, the cost of homeowners’ claims for damage due to lightning strikes has increased dramatically — up 20 percent over the last three years. According to a new Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) analysis of homeowners’ insurance data, there were 256,000 lightning claims in 2006, causing about $882 million in insured losses. The I.I.I. puts the average claim for lightning at $3,446. By comparison, in 2004, there were about 278,000 lighting...

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