glass-inspiration GmbH
Brandmühlestrasse 2
4541 Adlwang
Brandmühlestrasse 2
4541 Adlwang

Working with glass-inspiration, it is possible creating your own unique design-element. You can choose between colours, sizes and amounts of leaves, place those beween several layers of laminatingfoil and create your own glass with integrated design. Our highly qualified employees will assists you throughout the whole process. In terms of glass-types you wish to use, we are open to anyting available on the market. We could also us a mirror or enamelled glass at the back if you like. We can add satinato foil if you wish and you can play with lighting-effects. It is not about quantity, it is about quality and uniqueness! You will be the only one, having the element you have built yourself. There will be no second element, looking exactly like yours. What do you think? Call us anytime, if we can assist you. The only thing you need is a vision an appointment with us and a ticket to Austria. Showerscreens, glass-screens instead of tiles, splasbacks, dividers, bedheads, windscreens, balconies, doors / slidingdoors or door-infills and much more is possible. We are looking forward to your enquiry. Below you can find an application of colourful leaves between glass.
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