Hotel developer BM5 Hospitality LLC is proposing the construction of a 4-story, 91-room hotel on a 2-acre parcel located at N. Tully Rd in Turlock California. This lot is next to the Comfort Suites and Days Inn on N. Tully Road. A total of 88 onsite parking spaces would be built three less than is required in the Turlock Municipal Code, which states that hotels must have one parking space per sleeping unit. Additional improvements include paving, parking lot striping, lighting, fenced outdoor pool area and landscaping. A minimum 15-foot wide landscape bed would be required to be planted along North Tully Road. A 10-foot wide landscape area would be required along the west property line abutting the Highway 99 frontage as well as parking lot shade trees and landscape islands planted throughout the project site. The project would also include curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements adjacent to the hotel.
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