The Pacific Grove California Planning Commission voted to continue its hearing on certifying the ATC Hotel and Commercial Project Environmental Impact Report, and approve four permits being sought, to a Nov. 18 meeting. Planning Commission staff is recommending the commissioners certify the American Tin Cannery Hotel and Commercial Project EIR based on the entirety of the record of proceedings, and approve the Architectural Permit, Tree Permit with Development, Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit. The ATC Hotel and Commercial Project would convert a 6.2-acre site into a 225-room hotel with amenities, 10,968 square feet of retail space, and on-site valet parking for 290 cars. The 5.59-acre site now includes the components and improvements proposed for the Sloat Avenue right-of-way, for a 6.2-acre site. The project includes development and uses in the Sloat Avenue right-of-way between Eardley Avenue and Dewey Avenue, and requires the execution of a real property agreement for vacating the city’s right-of-way easement. The hotel’s design includes two wings – the Bluffs with 104 guestrooms and the Shoreline with 121 guestrooms – each with separate entrances and lobbies.
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