A plan to rebuild the Best Western Inn in Corte Madera California has been approved by the Planning Commission. The commission recently voted unanimously to send the project plans to the Town Council for a final decision. The commission’s recommendation comes with a few minor requests on the design, such as more toned down colors and patterns. Reneson Hotels, which owns the site at 56 Madera Blvd., first is proposing the project. The 110-room hotel and restaurant are on a 5.53-acre lot between Tamal Vista Boulevard and Highway 101. The new hotel would be a 149-room Residence Inn with a mix of three- and four-story sections, standing 47-feet at the highest point. There would be no onsite restaurant. The project would comply with the tier 1 requirements of the California green building standards code. The site would have 169 parking stalls, including six accessible spaces and 14 with electric vehicle charging capabilities. The environmental report considered impacts to aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, geology and soils, determining that all impacts could be mitigated to less-than-significant. Garrett Grialou, is president of Reneson Hotels.
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