[rockthemes_specialgridblock avoid_sidebar="regular" skip_sg="true"] [rockthemes_single_image image_sizes="large" image_url="https://hotelprojectleads.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Screenshot-99.png" image_align="" image_id="8343" extra_style="" extra_class="" image_link_target="" enable_hover="false" hover_bg_color="#FFFFFF" hover_color="#FFFFFF" hover_title="" overflow_image="false" overflow_image_size="" snap_image="false" link_url="false" link_id="false" link_is_tax="false" tax_name="no-selected"]Fields Development Group is planning a redevelopment of their former headquarters at 1 Henderson Street, 497 Observer Highway, and 503-511 Newark Street in Hoboken New Jersey into a lodging facility. Designed by Marchetto Higgins Stieve, the hotel is envisioned to rise 160 feet and to be built to LEED Silver standards. The building’s first floor would include a lobby, commercial space, and an automated parking garage. Offices would occupy floors two through four, with the remainder of the property...