Through our Land AQ & D Loan program, we at Prevail Financial, can handle everything for you at one time and in one place. We are committed to moving quickly in order to keep you on schedule, no matter if your plans involve a single commercial building, and entire commercial development, or a residential community, Prevail Financial will treat each scenario with the urgency and attention. Corporate Address: 3010 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75234 Direct: (888)-381-2411 Cell: (214) 205-8586 Fax: 866-298-1261 Email: jeff@prevailfinancial.com www.prevailfinancial.com
HotelProjectLeads.com has launched additional vendor news section updates. The updated features will automatically post member job openings and project RFP submissions to the vendor news section and company preferred vendor directory listings. In order to increase targeted views when a member lists a new job opening or submits a project pricing requests the post link will also show in vendor news and directory listings. “We are pleased announce these new value adding features for our members. These new features are another part of our ongoing SEO strategy that will get our member clients noticed online and in organic search,” said...

TARIFF AND ANTIDUMPING FREE QUARTZ COUNTERTOPS Since 2018 Asian quartz slabs and cut-to-size countertops are subject tariffs in the US. Diapol’s quartz tops are fabricated from Eastern European made quartz slabs in Estonia. This ensures that Diapols`s products are not subject to import tariffs. Save up to 50% compared to domestic fabricators. COLOR MATCHING SERVICE Your desired material color can be found immediately. We supply an unlimited number of Eastern European stone designs. We can color match any project specifications. TURNKEY SOLUTION Your quartz countertops will be measured, fabricated and installed. Professional advice to find optimal solutions for your projects....