has launched the vendor news section. With vendor news members can post their latest company updates which will simultaneously post on the vendor news pages and their companies’ vendor directory profile. “We are pleased to announce the launch of our vendor news section,” said Adam Smith, Manager of Operations. “By posting their latest company updates and events, vendor news offers our members another tool that will help get our clients noticed online and in organic search results. Posts will show in the vendor news section and on their preferred vendor directory profile. We look forward to announcing additional enhancements...
Hard Rock Hotels plans to develop of a new hotel at the historic Gibson guitar and mandolin manufacturing site at 225 Parsons St., in Kalamazoo Michigan which is the founding location of Gibson Mandolin-Guitar Mfg. Co. in 1917. Dora Hotel, and Plaza Corp Realty Advisors are partners in the development. REVERB by Hard Rock Kalamazoo will embody the brand’s modern, urban design package, featuring traveler-friendly integrated technology, smart rooms, shared spaces designed for collaboration. The company plans to offer programming highlighting local music, food and entertainment. The new build and conversion of the original Gibson manufacturing building, has an anticipated completion date of fall 2023 and will include a wide range of amenities for guests to enjoy including a Body Rock Fitness gym, bar, brewery/restaurant, banquet facility, intimate auditorium, museum and signing room where many historic artists signed contracts with Gibson. Andy Wenzel is Evexutive VP of PlazaCorp. Todd Hricko is VP of Hotel Development with Hard Rock Hotels. Tim Dora is President of Dora Hotel Company.
For more information on this and upcoming hotel construction and renovation projects in the planning, design, pre-construction and construction phase including who is involved with their contact information, Project & Supply Pricing Quotes, Preferred Vendor Directory, Careers & Featured Vendors please visit: and subscribe today.